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Easy to make 2–3 lovely bottles of home made gin: With this package you are no longer tied to a strong spice mixture, you can stay out your feel of style freely, enthusiasm guaranteed!
Sign your personal small batch with personalized bottle labels, additionally includes: Italian Glass Bottles, Wooden Handle Corks from Portugal, High Quality Stainless Steel Funnel
Highest great sparkling spices and aromatic herbs, sustainably packaged in jars with compostable herbal cork, an eye-catcher on any spice shelf. Environmentally friendly, recyclable
Gift concept for guys and women, friends, dads for any occasion: whether or not wedding, birthday party, Easter, Christmas: Great shock for uncommon gin and tonic drinks in the Gin modular kit.
Website url : https://www.amazon.de/dp/B07DNH72QT

For your private gin tasting à casa, you will acquire three exceptional recipes for gin making, extra stunning playing cards with four basic gin cocktails for your subsequent party.
Nach Berufswahl und Persönlichkeit könnten wir beiden Brüder verschiedener nicht sein: Leon ist Luft- und Raumfahrtingenieur, der Tüftler im Duo, der den Überblick bewahrt, wenn Vincents übersprudelnde Kreativität schon längst beim nächsten Laborversuch ist (alte Chemiker-Angewohnheit). Und doch sind wir ein eingeschweißtes Team, denn uns verbindet eine gemeinsame Leidenschaft: Cocktails & gute Drinks!
Deine Welt der Kreativität und Experimentierfreude!
Was mit der Herstellung von Gin-Sets in unserer Freizeit begann, ist mittlerweile zu craftly herangewachsen. Zum Gin haben wir weitere aufregende Leckereien in unsere Palette aufzunehmen. Immer getreu unseres Mottos: Weniger ist im Zweifel mehr und selbstgemacht immer besser als schlecht gekauft!
Wir lieben es einfach, zu experimentieren — und diese Freude wollen wir an Euch weitergeben… mit Produkten, die auch als Geschenk eine gute Figur machen. Geteilte Freude ist schließlich doppelte Freude!
Product Description
Do your gin
We are Vincent and Leon, two Berlin brothers. A house engineer and a chemist who likes to sail round the world, continually searching for concept for new drinks and recipes.
Dear greetings from Berlin & Toronto.
Perfect for different occasions
Do your gin
Complete Gin Set
David Beckham, Ryan Reynolds and George Clooney: Line your self in the curves of these illustrative reigns. They all have already stuffed a dream and made their personal spirits. With Do You Gin you can now radically change on the tracks of these dwelling legends and create some thing your grandson will discuss of — and possibly even drink.
Be creative, test and unfold your special taste.
For this, a cautiously chosen determination of 12 best spices is accessible — for example clean wax holders. Nicely packed in person glass cylinders and introduced gracefully in a brilliant box, already suggests the sight of extraordinary taste.
The set is flawlessly rounded off by way of a realistic funnel, two basic gin bottles with timber corks as nicely as your non-public do you gin labels for man or woman design. Everything you need: the primary alcohol of your desire — and the way to 370 million specific flavour versions is free. Cheers!
Box contents:
12 fantastic great spices
two lovely glass bottles with timber corks, funnel, filter
two labels for labelling
three superb recipes
Spices Information
The way to your gin
1. Buy the alcohol of your choice. For your gin a impartial alcohol such as vodka or diluted to 40% alcohol is appropriate for your wine.
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